April 21, 2009

Kids Teeth UGGGHHH!!!

It has begun! Yes I am speaking of the very VERY EXPENSIVE orthodontist!

I had to go to follow up appointments on both girls this week and they both need some sort of hardware in their mouths. YEAH YEAH!!!!

I think it is just a conspiracy to suck all of the money possible out of Mom and Dad. (As if they already did not do that). Just my opinion.

April 17, 2009

Easter Dresses

Here are some pictures of all of us dressed up for Easter

The girls

The girls attempt to get Maggie in a picture with them for easter

Easter Egg Decorating

Hurry Up Taylor it is my turn!
The girls enjoyed decorating their eggs for Easter

April 1, 2009

Rock Climbing

Keeley and Taylor climbed the rock wall at REI. They both made it to the top.

Taylor almost to the top

Keeley gives it a try